The goal is to embark on a process of self-financing through donations via the crowdfunding platform of the Global Giving organization based in Washington, USA – which is also the world’s largest platform for financing the projects of various associations.
With this project, we want to intensify work with children, with the help of experts – psychologists, pedagogues and doctors, in order to prevent the escalation of behavioral disorders caused by various fears (one of the causes is the recent earthquake in Zagreb).
This will help prevent later severe forms of anxiety in primary school children, and at the same time contribute to solving related specific social problems and proactively influence the development of the community as a whol
The specific objectives
of the project are:
• establish sustainable programs for the prevention of behavioral disorders in children aged 7 – 10 years old,
• to form a systematic approach to children with the problem of excessive experience of fear at the age of 10-14 years old,
• hold group consultations with interested parents in order to improve educational methods in the established target group and
• develop the competencies of all stakeholders in the educational process in this area.

The goal is to embark on a process of self-financing through donations via the crowdfunding platform of the Global Giving organization based in Washington, USA - which is also the world's largest platform for financing the projects of various associations.
With this project, we want to intensify work with children, with the help of experts - psychologists, pedagogues and doctors, in order to prevent the escalation of behavioral disorders caused by various fears (one of the causes is the recent earthquake in Zagreb). This will help prevent later severe forms of anxiety in primary school children, and at the same time contribute to solving related specific social problems and proactively influence the development of the community as a whole.

The specific objectives
of the project are:
• establish sustainable programs for the prevention of behavioral disorders in children aged 7 – 10 years old,
• to form a systematic approach to children with the problem of excessive experience of fear at the age of 10-14 years old,
• hold group consultations with interested parents in order to improve educational methods in the established target group and
• develop the competencies of all stakeholders in the educational process in this area.

The general goal
of the project is:
• strengthen professional and analytical capacities for the purpose of continuity of activities from the civil society organization LIBERA through cooperation with the Global Giving organization.